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Virtual Workshop Series • follow the light • Episode #3

24. March 2021 @ 16:00 – 17:00
OptoNet e.V. | Nora Kirsten
+49 3641 327 92 92


While clas­si­cal optics is rea­ching its limits, free­form optics make the phy­si­cally fea­si­ble pos­si­ble and open up com­ple­tely new hori­zons for manu­fac­tu­r­ers of life sci­ence pro­ducts, auto­ma­tion solu­ti­ons and sen­sor tech­no­logy. fo+ [free­form optics plus] – an asso­cia­tion of sci­en­tists, deve­lo­pers and manu­fac­tu­r­ers – offers users from high-tech sec­tors the oppor­tu­nity to learn more about free­form optics, their areas of appli­ca­tion and opti­cal properties.

Episode #3: Analyzing the Spectrum – Freeform Optics for Measuring Applications and Measuring of Freeforms

Epi­sode #3 of the fo+ vir­tual work­shop series will deal with the topics metro­logy and assem­bly of free­form ele­ments. The ›hands-on‹ web­i­nar is addres­sed to optics manu­fac­tu­r­ers, cus­to­mers and applied sci­en­tists who want to take a clo­ser look into fabri­ca­tion and mea­su­ring processes.

Steffi Prow­schwitz and Tobias Her­meyer from Pre­cis­ion Optics Gera (POG) will pre­sent how to rea­lize a spec­tro­me­ter with free­form ele­ments that fits into your pocket – from opti­cal design to assem­bly. You will get an insight into ali­gnment methods for micro­op­ti­cal ele­ments like MLA (micro lens array)


Andreas Beut­ler from Mahr will show you a new prac­ti­cal approach to mea­sure free­forms and fidu­cials in a very fle­xi­ble way. A part of the solu­tion is also the data trans­fer and the crea­tion of a mea­su­ring pro­cess wit­hout exten­sive programming.


Learn how:

  • micro-opti­cal designs can be rea­li­zed with the help of ali­gnment structures
  • nano­im­print and litho­gra­phy tech­no­lo­gies can be used for free­form optics
  • free­form optics can be mea­su­red with high precision

Who should attend:

  • Optics Ven­dors
  • Experts for Opti­cal Manu­fac­tu­ring Technologies
  • Cus­to­mers with spe­cial requi­re­ments (Life Sci­ence, Machine Vision, Food Industry)
  • Applied Rese­ar­chers


Anke MankAnke Mank | fo+ & Opto­Net e.V.

Participation & Booking Conditions

The event regis­tra­tion is open, 150 places are available. Par­ti­ci­pa­tion is free of charge. You will receive the access data for the digi­tal work­shop plat­form ZOOM by email in good time before the start of the event.

Booking here»


By sub­mit­ting this regis­tra­tion form, you agree that your name will be included on a list of par­ti­ci­pants which will be available to the other par­ti­ci­pants. You also ack­now­ledge that images of the event may be dis­played on our web­sites and social media.
