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JENOPTIK Optical Systems GmbH

As a part of Jenoptik´s Light & Optics divi­sion Jen­op­tik Opti­cal Sys­tems is a glo­bal OEM sup­plier of solu­ti­ons and pro­ducts based on pho­to­nics tech­no­lo­gies. Jen­op­tik pro­vi­des a broad port­fo­lio of tech­no­lo­gies com­bi­ned with deep expe­ri­ence of more than 25 years in the fields of optics, laser tech­no­logy, digi­tal ima­ging, opto-elec­tro­nics and software.
Our cus­to­mers are lea­ding machine and equip­ment sup­pli­ers working in areas such as semi­con­duc­tor equip­ment, laser mate­rial pro­ces­sing, health­care & life sci­ence, indus­trial auto­ma­tion, auto­mo­tive & mobi­lity and safety, as well as in sci­en­ti­fic institutes.
As a deve­lo­p­ment and pro­duc­tion part­ner, the Light & Optics divi­sion focu­ses on advan­cing cut­ting edge tech­no­lo­gies to improve our cus­to­mers‹ sys­tem per­for­mance and ulti­m­ately rea­lize pro­duct out­co­mes that reach new heights enab­led by our highly-inte­gra­ted pho­to­nic solu­ti­ons. The sys­tems, modu­les and com­pon­ents based on pho­to­nics tech­no­lo­gies help our cus­to­mers over­come their future challenges.

JENOPTIK Opti­cal Sys­tems GmbH

Gösch­wit­zer Str. 25
07745 Jena

Tel.: +49-(0)3641–652276
Fax: +49-(0)3641–653658

