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Mahr GmbH

Mahr is a world­wide ope­ra­ting, medium-sized family-run busi­ness who name is tra­di­tio­nally con­nec­ted with the terms pro­duc­tion metro­logy, qua­lity and inno­va­tion. In addi­tion to high-qua­lity mea­su­ring units to test work­piece geo­me­try, also high-pre­cis­ion gear and meter­ing pumps and high-pre­cis­ion rotary stroke bea­rings as a uni­ver­sal ele­ment for mecha­ni­cal con­s­truc­tions are essen­tial com­pon­ents of the pro­duct pro­gram. As an appli­ca­tion spe­cia­list in the field of pro­duc­tion metro­logy, Mahr sol­ves the metro­lo­gi­cal tasks of its cus­to­mers and is the cont­act part­ner for all ques­ti­ons rela­ted to quality.

Mahr offers solu­ti­ons for high-pre­cis­ion meter­ing to the manu­fac­tu­r­ers of the syn­the­tic fibres, elas­to­me­res and fiber rein­forced com­po­si­tes, their sup­pli­ers and gene­rally for the pla­s­tics pro­ces­sing industry.

Mahr GmbH

Carl-Zeiss-Pro­me­nade 10
07745 Jena

Tel.: +49-(0)551‑7073-800
Fax: +49-(0)551‑7073-808

