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UPM Workshop 2021

On Novem­ber 23, 2021, Ultra Pre­cis­ion Manu­fac­tu­ring of Asphe­res and Free­forms – Ima­ging and Non-ima­ging Appli­ca­ti­ons (UPM Work­shop 2021) was suc­cessfully held at the Chang­chun Insti­tute of Optics, Fine Mecha­nics and Phy­sics (CIOMP), Chi­ne­ses Aca­demy of Sciences.

The con­fe­rence was co-hos­ted by CIOMP and the Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tute for Applied Optics and Pre­cis­ion Engi­nee­ring (Fraun­ho­fer IOF) in Ger­many. In CIOMP, it was jointly orga­ni­zed by the CAS Key Labo­ra­tory of Opti­cal Sys­tem Advan­ced Manu­fac­tu­ring Tech­no­logy and the Depart­ment of Inter­na­tio­nal Coope­ra­tion Office.

Experts of ultra-pre­cis­ion opti­cal pro­ces­sing from Ger­many, the United Sta­tes, and the United King­dom took part in this online work­shop. Also atten­ding were well-known scho­lars from Bei­jing Insti­tute of Tech­no­logy, Uni­ver­sity of Shang­hai for Sci­ence and Tech­no­logy, and Huazhong Uni­ver­sity of Sci­ence and Tech­no­logy. Experts shared their latest aca­de­mic achie­ve­ments and dis­cus­sed cut­ting-edge trends and future deve­lo­p­ment direc­tions in the field of opti­cal pre­cis­ion manufacturing.

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