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Hier fin­den Sie die aktu­el­len Ver­öf­fent­li­chun­gen der Bünd­nis­part­ner zum Thema ›Frei­form­op­tik‹

asphericon GmbH

  • Free­form capa­bi­lity enab­led by ISO 10110 Proc. SPIE 9582, Opti­cal Sys­tem Ali­gnment, Tole­ran­cing, and Veri­fi­ca­tion IX, 958202 (3 Sep­tem­ber 2015); doi: 10.1117÷12.2188160
    Sven R. Kiontke; David M. Aikens; Richard N. Youngworth
  • Mono­li­thic free­form ele­ment Proc. SPIE 9575, Opti­cal Manu­fac­tu­ring and Test­ing XI, 95750G (25 Sep­tem­ber 2015); doi: 10.1117÷12.2188138
    Sven R. Kiontke
  • Imple­men­ting ISO stan­dard-com­pli­ant free­form com­po­nent dra­wings; Opt. Eng. 55(7), 071205 (Apr 07, 2016); doi:10.1117/1.OE.55.7.071205
    Sven R. Kiontke; David M. Aikens; Richard N. Youngworth
  • Free­form sur­face revo­lu­tio­nize opti­cal sys­tems”, Laser & Pho­to­nics 01/​2017, p. 96–98.
    Ulrike Fuchs
  • Dis­cus­sing design for manu­fac­tu­ra­bi­lity for two free­form ima­ging sys­tems. Proc. SPIE 9948, Novel Opti­cal Sys­tems Design and Opti­miza­tion XIX, 99480L (2016); doi:10.1117/12.2237187.
    Ulrike Fuchs; Sven R. Kiontke
  • Asphere wedge and decen­ter: What you see is not always what you get. Proc. SPIE 9951, Opti­cal Sys­tem Ali­gnment, Tole­ran­cing, and Veri­fi­ca­tion X, 99510I (2016); doi:10.1117/12.2237051.
    Tra­bert; Ulrike Fuchs; Sven R. Kiontke
  • Impro­ving spec­tro­me­ter field of view cor­rec­tion with a free­form sur­face. Proc. SPIE 9948, Novel Opti­cal Sys­tems Design and Opti­miza­tion XIX, 99480K (2016); doi:10.1117/12.2236141.
    Sven Wicken­ha­gen; Peter Petruck; Ulrike Fuchs
  • Alva­rez Free­form Sys­tem for Diver­gence Adjus­t­ment, in Opti­cal Design and Fabri­ca­tion 2017 (Free­form, IODC, OFT), OSA Tech­ni­cal Digest (online), paper JW3C.3, (2017).
    Ulrike Fuchs; Sven Wicken­ha­gen; Anna Möhl
  • Con­trol your Free­form Sur­face Form Devia­tion and Cen­tra­tion – It is only a Mat­ter of Balance, in Opti­cal Design and Fabri­ca­tion 2017 (Free­form, IODC, OFT), OSA Tech­ni­cal Digest (online), paper JTu3A.5, (2017).
    Ulrike Fuchs; Sven R. Kiontke; Sven Wickenhagen
  • Fabri­ca­tion and Metro­logy Chal­lenges for Free­form Com­mer­cial Ima­ging Sys­tem Deve­lo­p­ment, in Opti­cal Design and Fabri­ca­tion 2017 (Free­form, IODC, OFT), OSA Tech­ni­cal Digest (online), paper JTh1C.5, (2017). [invi­ted] Ulrike Fuchs
  • Ready to use a multi-focal sys­tem based on Alva­rez len­ses, Proc. SPIE 10690, Opti­cal Design and Engi­nee­ring VII, 1069017 (2018).
    Anna Möhl; Sven Wicken­ha­gen; T. Kunisch; Ulrike Fuchs
  • Modu­lar beam sha­ping and mani­pu­la­tion of pola­riza­tion sta­tes using asphe­ric and free­form opti­cal com­pon­ents,” LANE, 10th CIRP Con­fe­rence on Pho­to­nic Tech­no­lo­gies, (2019). [invi­ted] Anna Möhl; Ulrike Fuchs
  • Describ­ing Mid-Spa­tial Fre­quen­cies con­sis­t­ently for Opti­cal Design, Manu­fac­tu­ring and Metro­logy, OSA Fron­tiers in Optics, paper FM3D.5, (2018).
    Sven Wicken­ha­gen; Anna Möhl; Ulrike Fuchs
  • Fabri­ca­tion, Metro­logy and Ali­gnment Chal­lenges or Free­form Ima­ging Sys­tems, Opti­cal Design and Fabri­ca­tion (Free­form Optics), OSA, paper JW1A.1, (2019). [invi­ted] Ulrike Fuchs
  • Ana­ly­zing and Mini­mi­zing Mid-spa­tial Fre­quency Errors, Opti­cal Design and Fabri­ca­tion (Opti­cal fabri­ca­tion and test­ing), OSA, paper OW4A.1, (2019). [invi­ted] Ulrike Fuchs; Sven R. Kiontke

Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik IOF

  • Tuto­rial: Free­form Metal Optics-Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Space Optics, Tene­rife /​ Spain (2014)
    Geb­hardt, Har­tung, Kinast
  • Proc. ICSO – Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Space Optics (2014); Dimen­sio­nal  sta­bi­lity of metal optics on nickel pla­ted AlSi40
    Kinast, Gra­bow­ski, Geb­hardt, Roh­loff, Rochau, Risse, Tünnermann
  • EUSPEN Free­form Group, Padova /​ Italy (2014); Pos­ter: Struc­tu­red free­forms chall­enge manu­fac­tu­ring technologies
    Stein­kopf, Geb­hardt, Risse, Eberhardt
  • EPIC Work­shop on Free­form Optics, Copen­ha­gen /​ Den­mark (2015); Dia­mond machi­ning of free­form optics
    Stein­kopf, Geb­hardt, Risse, Eberhardt
  • 7. High-Level-Expert-Mee­ting CC UPOB – Asphere Metro­logy, Brau­schweig (2015); Mea­su­ring posi­tion and figure devia­tion with Com­pu­ter Gene­ra­ted Holograms
    Beier, Stumpf, Geb­hardt, Risse, Zeitner
  • Applied Optics 5416, in print (2015); Deve­lo­p­ment, fabri­ca­tion, and test­ing of an ana­mo­r­phic ima­ging snap-tog­e­ther free­form telescope
    Beier, Har­tung, Peschel, Damm, Geb­hardt, Schei­ding, Stumpf, Zeit­ner, Risse, Eber­hardt, Tünnermann
  • Proc. EOSMTOC, accepted (2015); Ultra-pre­cise manu­fac­tu­ring of asphe­ri­cal mir­rors based on a free­form tech­no­logy for appli­ca­ti­ons in the VIS spec­tral range
    Risse, Beier, Har­tung, Geb­hardt, Eberhardt 

Institut für Angewandte Physik der FSU Jena

  • FSU-IAP Jah­res­be­richt (2014); Neu­ar­tige Beschrei­bun­gen opti­scher Freiformflächen
    Brö­mel, Gross, Oleszko, Har­tung, Lippmann
  • Jour­nal of Applied Phy­sics 116, 173503–173512 (2014); The struc­tu­ral and opti­cal pro­per­ties of black sili­con by induc­tively cou­pled plasma reac­tive ion etching
    Steglich, Käse­bier, Zilk, Pertsch, Kley, Tünnermann
  • Infrared Phy­sics & Tech­no­logy 69, 218–221 (2015); Self-orga­ni­zed, effec­tive medium Black Sili­con for infrared antireflection
    Steglich, Käse­bier, Schrem­pel, Kley, Tünnermann
  • Proc. SPIE 9372, High Con­trast Metastruc­tures IV (2015); Brin­ging mir­rors to rest: gra­ting con­cepts for ultra-pre­cise interferometry
    Kro­ker, Kley, Tünnermann
  • SPIE Pho­to­nics West 9372–25 (2015); Tail­oring the angu­lar trans­mis­sion beha­vior of high-con­trast gratings
    Kro­ker, Käse­bier, Kley, Tünnermann
  • Proc. SPIE 9626 (2015)
    Inves­ti­ga­tion of TMA sys­tems with dif­fe­rent free­form surfaces
    Zhong, Gross, Brö­mel, Kirsch­stein, Petruck, Tünnermann
  • Proc. SPIE 9626 (2015)
    Per­for­mance com­pa­ri­son of poly­no­mial repre­sen­ta­ti­ons for opti­mi­zing opti­cal free­form systems
    Brö­mel, Gross, Ochse, Lipp­mann, Ma, Zhong, Oleszko
  • Proc. SPIE 9626 (2015)
    Using the 3D SMS for fin­ding start­ing con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons in ima­ging sys­tems with free­form surfaces
    Sat­zer, Rich­ter, Lipp­mann, Metz­ner, Notni, Gross
  • Proc. SPIE 9626 (2015)25
    Over­view on sur­face repre­sen­ta­ti­ons for free­form surfaces
    Gross, Brö­mel, Beier, Stein­kopf, Har­tung, Zhong, Oleszko, Ochse
  • Proc. SPIE 9629(2015)8
    Free­form array projection
    Michae­lis, Schrei­ber, Li, Bräuer, Gross
  • Proc. ODF 16 (2016), invi­ted talk
    Per­for­mance eva­lua­tion of opti­cal sys­tems wit­hout symmetry
  • Opt Expres 24(2016) p.14271
    Ray map­ping approach for the effi­ci­ent design of con­ti­nuous free­form surfaces
    Bösel, Gross
  • Proc. LDC 2016 Jena (invi­ted talk)
    Free­form opti­cal sys­tems for ima­ging applications
  • Proc. 14th Fraun­ho­fer Litho­gra­phy simu­la­tion work­shop, Erlan­gen (invi­ted talk), 2016
    Opti­cal sys­tems with free­form sur­faces – chal­lenges in simu­la­tion and realization
    Gross, Brö­mel, Stock
  • Proc. SPIE 9948 (2016)
    Opti­cal design and tole­ran­cing of a hyper­spec­tral ima­ging spectrometer
    Liu, Straif, Flü­gel-Paul, Zeit­ner, Gross
  • Proc. SPIE 9950 (2016)
    Ray map­ping approach in dou­ble free­form sur­face design for col­li­ma­ted beam shaping
    Bösel, Gross
  • Proc. EOSAM 2016 (invi­ted talk)
    Descrip­tion of free­form sur­faces for design and tolerancing
    Gross, Brö­mel, Stock
  • UPM Work­shop 09 (2016), Invi­ted talk
    Hand­ling of free­form sur­faces in the design of opti­cal systems
    Gross, Brö­mel, Stock, Har­tung, Linke, Petruck, Peschel, Risse
  • Appl. Optics 56(2017) p.391
    Descrip­tion and reimple­men­ta­tion of real free­form surfaces
    Stock, Brö­mel, Har­tung, Ochse, Gross
  • Appl. Opt. 57 (2017)3679
    Ray map­ping approach in dou­ble free­form sur­face design for col­li­ma­ted beam sha­ping bey­ond the par­axial approximation
    Bösel, Worku, Gross
  • Opt. Expres 25 (2017) p.10016
    Initial sys­tem design method for non-rota­tio­nally sym­me­tric sys­tems based on Gaus­sian bra­ckets and Nodal aberra­tion theory
    Zhong, Gross
  • Appl. Opt. 56 (2017) p5630
    Free­form opti­cal design for a non­scan­ning cor­neal ima­ging sys­tem with a con­vexly cur­ved image
    Nie, Gross, Zhong, Dürr
  • DGaO Dres­den (2017), talk
    Berech­nung von Abbil­dungs­feh­lern 3. Ord­nung für Spie­gel­sys­teme mit ver­kipp­ten und dezen­trier­ten Elementen
    Sat­zer, Lipp­mann, Notni, Gross
  • JOSA A. 34(2017) 1490
    Sin­gle free­form sur­face design for pre­scri­bed input wave­front and tar­get irradiance
    Bösel, Gross
  • Adv. Opt. Techn. 6 (2017) p.327
    Free­form sur­face descrip­ti­ons. Part I: Mathe­ma­ti­cal representations
    Brö­mel, Lipp­mann, Gross
  • Adv. Opt. Techn. 6 (2017) p.337
    Free­form sur­face descrip­ti­ons. Part II: Appli­ca­tion benchmark
    Brö­mel, Liu, Zhong, Gross
  • Appl. Opt. 57 (2017) 6894
    Com­pa­ri­son of hyper­spec­tral ima­ging spec­tro­me­ter designs and the impro­ve­ment of sys­tem per­for­mance with free­form surfaces
    Liu, Straif, Flü­gel-Paul, Zeit­ner, Gross
  • JOSA A 34 (2017) p1856
    Decom­po­si­tion of the total wave aberra­tion in gene­ra­li­zed opti­cal systems
    Oleszko, Ham­bach, Gross
  • Proc SPIE 10377 (2017)A1
    Gene­ra­li­zed sur­face con­tri­bu­tion for mis­a­lignment sen­si­ti­vity analysis
    Oleszko, Gross
  • JOSA A 35 (2018) p.236
    Dou­ble free­form illu­mi­na­tion design for pre­scri­bed wave­fronts and irradiances
    Bösel, Gross
  • JOSA A 35 (2018) 1482
    Impro­ve­ment of Scheim­pflug sys­tems with free­form surfaces
    Zhong, Gross
  • Appl. Opt. 57 (2018) 1998
    Ana­ly­sis of free­form mir­ror sys­tems based on the decom­po­si­tion of the total wave aberra­tion into Zer­nike sur­face contributions
    Oleszko, Gross
  • SPIE 10690 (2018)
    Inves­ti­ga­tion of opti­miza­tion stra­tegy and free­form loca­tion on typi­cal opti­cal systems
    Liu, Gross
  • SPIE 10693 (2018)
    Irra­di­ance and phase con­trol with two free­form sur­faces using par­tial dif­fe­ren­tial equations
    Bösel, Har­tung, Gross
  • SPIE 10690 (2018)
    Zer­nike sur­face con­tri­bu­ti­ons as an assis­ting tool for desig­ning free­form opti­cal systems
    Oleszko, Gross
  • Appl. Opt. 57 (2018)5758
    Nume­ri­cal opti­miza­tion stra­tegy for multi-lens ima­ging sys­tems con­tai­ning free­form surfaces
    Liu, Gross
  • JOSA A 35 (2018) 1385
    Vec­to­rial aberra­ti­ons of bico­nic surfaces
    Zhong, Gross
  • Appl. Opt. 57 (2018) 8692
    Angle resol­ved power spec­tral den­sity ana­ly­ses for impro­ving mir­ror manufacturing
    Per­ter­mannn, Har­tung, Beier, Risse, Eber­hardt, Tün­ner­mann, Gross
  • EOSAM 2018 TOM 2
    Active free­form mir­ror for opti­cal 3D measurements
    Brahm, Bösel, Har­tung, Jende, Bött­ner, Rein­lein, Gross, Kühm­stedt, Notni
  • EOSAM 2018 TOM 3
    Opti­cal simu­la­tion of an ima­ging telescope inclu­ding manu­fac­tu­red free­form surfaces
    Stock, Har­tung, Beier, Merx, Gross
  • Adv. Opt. Techn. 8 (2019) p.111
    Simu­la­tion and ana­ly­sis of opti­cal ima­ging sys­tems inclu­ding real free­form components
    Stock, Beier, Har­tung, Merx, Gross
  • Appl. Opt. 58 (2019) p. 2713
    Com­pact free­form illu­mi­na­tion sys­tem design for pat­tern gene­ra­tion with exten­ded light sources
    Bösel, Gross
  • SPIE 11175 ‚Opti­fab 2019 OFB 19–52
    Ana­ly­sis of mid spa­tial fre­quency errors in two dimen­si­ons at metal mir­ror fabrication
    https://doi: 10.1117/12.2536774
    Per­ter­mann, Har­tung, Beier, Risse, Eber­hardt, Tün­ner­mann, Gross
  • J Phys Pho­to­nics 1, (4) (2019) 044002
    Obscu­ra­tion eli­mi­na­tion in three-dimen­sio­nal non-sym­me­tri­cal opti­cal systems
    Cai, Gross
  • Opt. Express 28 (2020) 3041
    Ana­mo­r­phic tele­cen­tric scan sys­tems with free­form surfaces
    Zhong, Tang, Gross
  • Appl. Opt. 60 (2021) p333
    Impro­ved cor­rec­tion by free­form sur­faces in refrac­tive spec­tro­me­ter concepts
    Tang, Gross
  • Appl. Opt. 60 (2021) 6313
    Chro­ma­ti­cal aberra­ti­ons in non-rota­tio­nal sym­me­tric opti­cal sys­tems I: mathe­ma­ti­cal approach
    D. Cai, H. Gross
  • Appl. Opt. 60 (2021) 6322
    Chro­ma­ti­cal aberra­ti­ons in non-rota­tio­nal sym­me­tric opti­cal sys­tems II: applications
    D. Cai, H. Gross
  • Opt Express 29 (2021) p39967
    Com­pre­hen­sive aberra­tion ana­ly­sis in sym­me­try-free opti­cal sys­tems – part I: Method of calculation
    Z. Tang, H. Gross
  • Opt Express 29 (2021) p42020
    Com­pre­hen­sive aberra­tion ana­ly­sis in sym­me­try-free opti­cal sys­tems – part II: Eva­lua­tion and application
    Z. Tang, H. Gross

JENOPTIK Optical Systems GmbH

  • OSA Ima­ging and Applied Optics, Arling­ton /​ USA (2015); Describ­ing free­form sur­faces with ortho­go­nal functions
  • Pre­dic­ting pola­riza­tion per­for­mance of high-nume­ri­cal aper­ture inspection
  • Tole­ran­cing the impact of mid-spa­tial fre­quency sur­face errors of len­ses in dis­tor­tion and image homogeneity
  • Describ­ing free­form sur­faces with ortho­go­nal function
  • Atmo­sphe­ric Plasma Jet pro­ces­sing for figure error cor­rec­tion of an opti­cal ele­ment made from S‑BSL7
    Waak, Birn­baum

Optics Balzers Jena GmbH

  • Proc. SPIE 9241, Sen­sors, Sys­tems, and Next-Gene­ra­tion Satel­li­tes XVIII (2014); Band­pass fil­ter arrays pat­ter­ned by pho­to­li­tho­gra­phy for multi-spec­tral remote sensing
    Bauer, Thome, Eisenhammer
  • 10. The­men­tage Grenz- und Ober­flä­chen­tech­nik, 4. Koll. Dünne Schich­ten in der Optik, Leip­zig (2014);  Her­stel­lung von Fil­ter­ar­rays zur mul­tispek­tra­len Beobachtung
    Kess­ler, Bauer
  • Pro­cee­dings of SPIE Volume 9627, Opti­cal Sys­tems Design 2015: Advan­ces in Opti­cal Thin Films V, Page 962710–1 – 962710–9 (Sep­tem­ber 23, 2015); »Low scat­te­ring fil­ter coa­tings made by plasma-assis­ted reac­tive magnet­ron sputtering«
    Jan Broß­mann, Marc Lapp­schies, Ste­fan Jakobs, Vol­ker Kirschner

VITRON Spezialwerkstoffe GmbH

  • Glas­bi­blio­thek: VITRON Chal­ko­ge­nid-Glä­ser für „CODE V“ opt. Design-Pro­gramm, VITRON Chal­ko­ge­nid-Glä­ser für Zemax
  • Opti­sche Para­me­ter – Index, Trans­mis­sion: VITRON Chal­ko­ge­nid-Glass IG2; VITRON Chal­ko­ge­nid-Glass IG3; VITRON Chal­ko­ge­nid-Glass IG4; VITRON Chal­ko­ge­nid-Glass IG5; VITRON Chal­ko­ge­nid-Glass IG6
  • 3rd Inter­na­tio­nal WORK­shop on Infrared Technologies


  • Investigation of TMA systems with different freeform surfaces Paper 9626-28
    Yi Zhong, Fried­rich-Schil­ler-Univ.
    Jena (Ger­many); Her­bert Gross, Fried­rich-Schil­ler-Univ. Jena (Ger­many), Fraun­ho­fer-Insti­tut für Ange­wandte Optik und Fein­me­cha­nik (Ger­many); Anika Broe­mel, Fried­rich-Schil­ler-Univ. Jena (Ger­many); Stef­fen Kirsch­stein, Paul Petruck, Jena-Optro­nik GmbH (Ger­many); Andreas Tün­ner­mann, Fraun­ho­fer-Insti­tut für Ange­wandte Optik und Fein­me­cha­nik (Ger­many), Fried­rich-Schil­ler-Univ. Jena (Ger­many)