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Freeform Optics [fo+] · High performance systems for new applications @ LASER 2022

Forum Laser & Optics @ LASER World of Photonics · Hall B4

With an ambi­tious team of the best desi­gners, mate­ri­als spe­cia­lists, manu­fac­tu­r­ers  and sys­tem inte­gra­tors, the fo+ alli­ance deve­lo­ped a new gene­ra­tion of free­form opti­cal sys­tems for cus­to­mers world­wide. At LASER in Munich, we invite cus­to­mers from sec­tors such as laser mate­rial pro­ces­sing, indus­trial image pro­ces­sing or the auto­mo­tive indus­try to get to know our solu­ti­ons for future chal­lenges and products.

13:00 Opening
Sven Kiontke › Spea­ker of the fo+ Alliance

13:10 asphericon
Sven Kiontke › CEO

13:15 Mahr GmbH
Dr. Andreas Beut­ler › Head of Tech­no­logy & Process

Sebas­tian Wen­del › Senior Mana­ger Sys­tem Engineering

13:25 POG Prä­zi­si­ons­op­tik Gera GmbH
Dr. Ste­fan Mül­ler-Pfeif­fer › Mana­ger R&D

13:30 Wrap up & Round tour
Gui­des: Sven Kiontke & Anke Siegmeier
Fol­lo­wing the lec­ture pro­gram, we invite you to take a tour of the exhi­bi­tion and visit Fraun­ho­fer IOF, POG, MAHR, aspher­icon and JENOPTIK, where we would like to invite you for a drink to round off the event.

Regis­tra­tion is not required.

