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1. öffentlicher Workshop | LASER World of Photonics München | FORUM: Laser and Optics

25. Juni 2019 um 13:20 – 14:40
Messe München
81823 München


Prof. Her­bert Gross › Fried­rich-Schil­ler-Uni­ver­si­tät Jena
»Robust Design and Rea­liza­tion of Free­form Sys­tems for Indus­trial Appli­ca­ti­ons«

In the pro­ject fo+ on opti­cal sys­tems with free­form sur­faces, the fea­si­bi­lity of free­form sys­tems was demons­tra­ted and some basic expe­ri­ence was gai­ned on the basis of spe­cial demons­tra­tor sys­tems. As fur­ther effort is nee­ded to make free­form sys­tems more robust and more cost-effec­tive, a sys­te­ma­tic cus­to­mi­zed design and tole­ran­cing of the sur­faces for refrac­tive brittle mate­ri­als as well as alter­na­tive manu­fac­tu­ring methods as repli­ca­tion and 3D prin­ting are inves­ti­ga­ted. In order to achieve this goal, the value chain from opti­cal design, mecha­ni­cal design, fabri­ca­tion, and metro­logy is revi­sed and fur­ther developed.

Dr. Andreas Beut­ler › Mahr GmbH
»Data trans­port in the pro­duc­tion chain of free­form opti­cal com­pon­ents. Data for­mats and trans­fer focu­sed on metrology«

Com­pared to the pro­duc­tion pro­cess of asphe­ric len­ses the descrip­tion of a free­form sam­ple is much more com­pli­ca­ted due to a hig­her com­ple­xity of the free­form its­elf and the shape of the whole sam­ple inclu­ding refe­rence ele­ments. In order to mini­mize the effort nee­ded to trans­fer data bet­ween dif­fe­rent pro­cess steps a new approach for data for­mats is pre­sen­ted. The focus is put on the requi­re­ments of the metrology.

Sven Kiontke › aspher­icon GmbH
»Reflec­tive and modu­lar optics for laser mate­rial pro­ces­sing – When time matters «

As part of the work in the worl­d’s lea­ding hub for free­form tech­no­lo­gies (free­form optics plus), aspher­icon will pre­sent a reflec­tive opti­cal demons­tra­tor. Due to its modu­la­rity in optics and car­rier sys­tem of the frame, a high fle­xi­bi­lity for the final appli­ca­tion in laser mate­rial pro­ces­sing can be gua­ran­teed. Sta­tic magni­fi­ca­ti­ons with the free­form and diver­gence adap­tion during adjus­t­ment ensure short pro­ces­sing times.

Lutz Reich­mann JENOPTIK Opti­cal Sys­tems GmbH
»Free­form Opti­cal Sys­tems for UV-VIS appli­ca­ti­ons in high volume«

A con­sor­tium of 11 part­ners from Optics indus­try and rese­arch insti­tu­tes in the Jena region star­ted a 3 –years Rese­arch pro­gram with the goal to pro­vide a holi­stic tech­no­logy plat­form for Free­form Opti­cal Sys­tems. It will make free­form opti­cal solu­ti­ons acces­si­ble for a wide range of appli­ca­ti­ons. The con­sor­tium stri­ves to pro­vide a holi­stic tech­no­logy chain for design and manu­fac­tu­ring of free­form opti­cal sys­tems in appli­ca­ti­ons from UV to IR spec­tral range and the capa­bi­lity, to pro­duce such optics in high volume.The talk gives an over­view about the moti­va­tion and goals of the con­sor­tium in the 2018–2021 time-frame.


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